Frisstsek : Mert a YouTube mr majdnem mindent tilt...! |
Mert a YouTube mr majdnem mindent tilt...!
vi 2009.05.21. 18:25
letem eddigi f mve, fleg vide kszts tekintetben... :-) Ezt a filmecskt szerintem maga Isten sem tmogatta (inkbb ne kpzelje el senki mennyit knldtam az tok Windows Movie Maker-rel), de n hajthatatlan voltam. XD
Emberek muljatok, de a 18 ven aluli nzk csak mdjval!
Sztszrt vagyok, no meg ideges - tudom! De ezt most be kellett linkelnem.
Marquis de Sade & Hermione Granger

Versions Of Violenc
Coercing or leaving
Shutting down and punishing
Running from rooms, defending
Withholding, justifying
These versions of violence
Sometimes subtle sometimes clear
And the ones that go unnoticed
Still leave their mark once disappeared
Diagnosing, analyzing
Unsolicited advice
Explaining and controlling,
Judging opining and meddling
These versions of violence
Sometimes subtle sometimes clear
And the ones that go unnoticed
Still leave their mark once disappeared
This labeling
This pointing
this sensitive's unraveling
This sting I've been ignoring
I feel it way down way down
These versions of violence
Sometimes subtle sometimes clear
And the ones that go unnoticed
Still leave their mark once disappeared